Intro to Sashiko

Learn the art of Sashiko, an ancient Japanese hand stitching technique that transforms old clothes into new, fashionable pieces through beautiful patterns and textiles. This hands-on workshop teaches students the best materials for sashiko stitching, how to create hitomezashi patterns, and proper mending techniques.

About hillary dunbar

As a lifelong hand embroidery enthusiast, Hillary has spent several years perfecting her sashiko skills. She is a certified career and technical education teacher with a background in both culinary and fiber arts. She previously taught for 5 years at Forrest Bird Charter High School. Now, she is looking to bring her passion for sashiko and visible mending to the Sandpoint community.

More information about Hillary can be found at: Instagram @ trek2tinystudio


Saturday, May 18, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Sashiko 05/18


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Supply Fee

A kit with (2) 4x4" denim patches, a sashiko needle, sashiko thread, a marking tool, and detailed instructions will be provided by the instructor for a $15.00 supply fee.  Please bring cash to the class session.